Sunday, March 6, 2011

40th B-day at the VFW

Formost Golf Construction Company had a b-day party for one of their VP's at the VFW.

It was a great place to have a BBQ. The Gadsden Flag was flying and the folks hanging out at the VFW Hall were impressed with the BBQ rig and ready to tell some war stories with this veteran.

The BBQ Trailer along with a small BBQ was needed for this gig. All the food was prepped on site and cooked for the event.

Big Daddy Black BBQ says "If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?". A few miles away is one of the world's best parachuting venues. These guys were floating down all day long! It was a cool back drop.

The menu was simple - chicken breast, chicken thighs, sausage (Italian Spicy and Bratwurst) along with onions and peppers, Spare Ribs, and corn on the cob.

The Buffet Line was set up and ready for chow. Sausage with peppers and onions.

Chicken breast and thighs along with ribs.

Corn on the cob - rolled in brown sugar and butter and onto the smoker.
The meal came out great and everyone was happy..... and full!
Thanks to the folks at Formost for the business and Happy B-day!